Tell Your Story

Good afternoon everyone!  I cannot believe how fast the summertime is going!  I enjoy all of the seasons here in Pittsburgh, but I seem to want the summer to last a little longer.  Probably the reason the summer is going by for me so quickly is because I was so busy in June.  During that month I attended the United Methodist Annual Conference for Western PA, I served at my church’s VBS, and I helped lead 28 adults and high schoolers on a mission trip to Beverly Kentucky.  That shot June. I hope July will slow down a little although it is already almost half over!  I do not regret my schedule in June.  Each of those opportunities gave me the opportunity to serve others.  I am truly grateful for those experiences.  Those experiences were unique, and I have enjoyed telling others around me the stories that happened at each of those events.   The stories that I have been able to share have been meaningful for me and seemed to impact those that I shared it with.  During each conversation I was able to share my gratitude for what the Holy Spirit brought into my life.  I love telling the stories from our youth mission trip.  These stories mention the transformation of our kids during the week, learning more about their faith, learning self-confidence, forming new friendships, impacting the residents that we served.

We need to find opportunities that we can share with others our journey and what we are grateful for.  By focusing on these positive stories, by showing gratitude we can respond to grace.  This will do several things.  1. We can push aside the negativity that others around us want to focus on, and 2. By demonstrating gratitude we can actually make ourselves healthier!  Many medical studies show the dozens of positive health benefits that happen in our body when we have an attitude of gratitude!  Isn’t it amazing that by following the New Testament examples we can live a happier and healthier life!  This is on purpose; it is not an accident! Show your gratitude for what God has done for you, share your story with others, and listen to their stories.  This sharing brings the people of God closer together and becomes a magnet for those that don’t know Jesus.

God has done and is doing something unique in your life. Has God answered a prayer, provided help, or blessed you?  Share it. Ask God for opportunities to share your faith in Christ by words and deeds.  Although my June was busy, God gave me so many wonderful opportunities to be able to share stories for months to come!

“Now, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him. (Luke 8: 39)

Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.” (Psalm 107: 2)

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1: 8)

Ideas for Action: At the start of each morning this week, think about one thing you’re grateful to God for from the previous 24

hours. Got it? Now share it with someone else in the course of today.